Hi guys! You guys must know about the Mighty Squad, right? Well, id you don't, here is a brief summary:
They are hakers. Greedy cold-hearted kids who want their pixels. But *cough cough* these aren't kids these are adults. Supposedly. They are a group of 48 people who hack into your account directly through the Animal Jam HQ's system. Not like Fman122, who did it through a gift. So he is much more dangerous.
I spotted an impostor in Jamaa Township, right when he entered. As the yellow arrow indicates, he was bunched up in the crowd. He was very silent, so i whipped out the snipping tool and got some evidence!
His username was gurwinderpal. Does anybody use capital letters in their name anymore (I don't XD)
He left around five inutes after appearing. Report him for scamming, even if he is an imposter!
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